social media tips for lockdown, by Becs Bate

social media tips for lockdown

social media tips for lockdown, by Becs Bate

Becs Bate, social media consultant

By Becs Bate

Social media consultant, trainer and owner of Social Media Executive Ltd

How I know Becs

I met Becs, who runs Social Media Executive Ltd at a local FSB networking event held at Manchester Airport a while back. I decided it’d be good to have a 1-1 with Becs, as what she offers dove-tails nicely with my web development services and my work as an SEO consultant. Having heard Becs speak at a subsequent FSB event I figured she would be a great fit for this blog.
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Never have we known such uncertainty. But here’s one thing we can be sure of – it’s more important than ever to keep in contact with customers on social media.

Depending on how big your following is you may find it difficult to keep in touch with all of your customers. If this is you, you should focus on nurturing your key customers. To explain this in the simplest term let’s look at the Pareto Principle, sometimes referred to as the 80/20 rule.  It states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Strengthening relationships with your key 20% of customers will help you remain afloat during this crisis as they are the ones to give you your best return on investment.

What to do now: Top tips for connecting with customers.

Social media in lockdownUse social media to build customer relationships

Follow these steps to ensure all of your customers, especially your key customers, know you are supporting them. For every interaction you make they will receive a notification to let them know that you’re thinking of them.

  • Like and follow their social media pages from your business pages.
  • Read their posts and like and comment on them.
  • Share posts and content which is relevant to your business. And make sure if it is regarding the coronavirus that the content is from a trusted source.

By carrying out these simple actions you will be raising their visibility on social media and help them over the coming months.


tips for social media in lockdownAsk for reviews

Asking for reviews from your customers remains one of the best social media business tips.

Us business owners should get better at blowing our own trumpets – yes, I know, it can feel uneasy to ask, but honestly, people like to help others especially when they have received a good service.

This does two very valuable things: it reminds your clients of the benefits you gave them as well as strengthening your position as a business owner when the coronavirus crisis is over.

social media tips for lockdown

tips for social media in lockdownCreate a private group

One of the more personal techniques to build customer relationships is through a private group on Facebook and/or LinkedIn which allows you to continue to keep in contact with customers on social media and really add value.

You can either create your own group or join other groups where your potential customers will be hanging out. Be sure to provide interesting facts, offer advice, invite questions and interact positively so others know how you can help (without the hard sell!).

social media tips for lockdown

tips for social media in lockdownUtilise the private message feature

If you’re looking at how to stay connected to your customers without bombarding them with emails, then the private message feature on social media will come to your rescue. But remember, do not give the hard sell – this is about nurturing and strengthening your relationships.

Everyone has seen an increase in the number of emails received from CEO’s of companies we have engaged with. Many of these messages are very impersonal. Have any of these impersonal messages inspired you to maintain your relationship with them? I doubt it very much.

By private messaging your customers you can be personable and talk more authentically showing concern for the other party.  This will provide a perfect opportunity for quicker responses too.

social media tipsGo live!

Why not set up a livestream event? And don’t worry if this makes your palms sweat at the very thought of it, there are other options available to you.

Livestreams are a wonderful example of getting your face out there and to offer advice. During live-streams your audience can ask questions and receive answers to their concerns there and then. Sharing knowledge and simply talking to others is priceless during this unprecedented time in history.

If you don’t fancy going live in front of your camera why not arrange a Facebook Watch Party? For those of you who don’t know what a watch party is here’s a little summary for you.

  • A Facebook Watch Party involves watching a pre-recorded video live with your invited audience. During the watch party, the viewers can invite others too. As the host you will be there, albeit not live on the video, to interact and answer any questions. Sounds good doesn’t it – give it a try!

Don’t forget to tell everyone about your videos and when they’ll be happening. You can always set up an event too for added visibility.


tips for social media in lockdownTag customers in your posts

What a great way to show support and keep on your customers’ radar.  Create posts where you can tag in a customer and give them a shout out!

  • Think about telling others about a fabulous review you have received from them.
  • Share some of their posts, if relevant to your own business, with an explanation of why you agree/like their content.
  • Create a helpful post or case study and tag them in.
Becs Bate, social media consultant

About Becs

For many years now, I’ve been using Social Media as a significant part of my marketing strategy, with great results across the Public, Private and Voluntary sector.

I learnt an awful lot about what not to do when I first started using Social Media as a marketing tool, because it’s not as simple as it seems! Fortunately, I’ve made the mistakes so you don’t have to!

Just before I launched Social Media Executive, I worked for Nomad Games, increasing their Social Media community from 400 to over 20,000 in the space of three years. Now this is not a huge increase, but it was highly targeted. They were fans that bought from us time and time again, interacted with our content and were loyal supporters of the brand.

I love showing companies how to get business from social media, which is why I launched Social Media Executive last year – to teach you all how to do it in the right way! I follow all the latest trends in Social Media as well as the regular algorithm changes so you don’t have to.

If you don’t know me yet I’d like to say you’re missing out on a treat, but actually what you are missing out on is potential customers as well as lots of free tips on how to improve your social media pages.

Here for you

As ever, I am here to support you. I am working on providing you with resources to help you during this challenging time. I’d love for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and join me and others every Monday live at 12.30 where I share all the best social media top tips. Don’t forget to bring your lunch along!

Take care everyone and stay safe,


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