Services- SEO Services

Digital Marketing

As a digital marketing company, Red Design covers a wide range of skills across the online marketing disciplines. In fact, there’s no point in trying to put it all down in here. But suffice to say, if you need it done, or need advice on it, we can help.

We will help you decide what digital marketing services will suit your needs and provide the expertise you need. And you only pay for the work done, task-by-task.

To give you an idea, there are some broad categories listed below. If you’re not sure what you’re after, just call Martin Jones on 0161 881 9727. He’ll answer any questions you might have about anything web-related. If he doesn’t know the answer, Martin will go and find that answer.

…With No Retainer

The main thing that separates us from the average digital marketing company in Manchester, is that we do not charge a retainer for any of our digital marketing services. 

Given that a retainer is a great way to make money over the long term, you might be asking why we haven’t adopted the retainer model? Simple, because we don’t think its best for the client. If you pay a set amount each month to your digital marketing company, how you do you know what’s being done each month? Also, if the digital marketing agency providing those online marketing services knows they’re getting paid each month, regardless of the results, where is their incentive?

Pay for the work done each month and stop at any time.

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If you have a niche business, only trade locally and don’t have many competitors, it will be fairly easy to draw up a list of the keywords and phrases for which you want your website to be ranked.

If you sell a wide range of products, or provide a wide range of services, then we need to make sure we’re focusing in the right area when it comes to optimising or creating your websit content. If we add to that equation a bunch of agressive competitors, it gets really interesting. What we want to avoid when deciding which keyphrases to target, is going head-to-head with a competitor that has far more reseources than you. However, if we’re smarter and more focussed in our approach we can prevail.

The three most important considerations in deciding what keyphrases to target are relevance, competition and search volume. Give Martin a call ad he’ll explain all.

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But organic SEO should work hand-in-hand with Pay-per-click. A well optimised page, with good content and good calls-to-action will also perform better as a Pay-per-click landing page and make your digital marketing budget go further.

With Google Adwords as the example, a more relevant page with good content, will have a better ‘Quality Score’ when used as an Adwords landing page for that topic. That higher Quality Score means Google will reward you with a lower Cost-per-click, freeing up more of your budget and giving you a better return on your investment.

In order for a page to work well organically, the subject of the page has to be clear to the search engines and be helpful to the user. That kind of clear and useful content will also pay dividends outside of organic digital marketing.

A good organic landing page will also save you a lot of money on your Pay-per-click campaigns and on your digital marketing budget. Furthermore, well optimised content that ranks organically means you don’t have to be reliant on the Pay-per-click model.

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If your Pay-per-click campaigns return a net profit for you, you might assume they’re being well run. But how do you know? Are they wasteful? Could they be generating a lot more enquiries than they do at present? Maybe you want fewer enquiries, but much higher-value ones.

This is where Pay-per-click management come is. I, Martin, manage the Pay-per-click technicians and account managers. I understand well enough what it is they do, to scrutinise their work and see where it might be improved. I can’t b fobbed off and I can explain what they are doing to you. In the same way, I will convey what it is you need from them in terms of results. What they consider a ‘conversion’ is often not what they consider a conversion.

Crucially for the Pay-per-click account managers, I make sure they have the in-page content, the insight into your business and the competitor and keyword research they need in order to do a better job.

So, if you’re not sure what you’re paying for, need a second opinion or an introduction to a new supplier, I can take the pain away.

How can we help?

Extra on Research

If you want to record your calls we can do that, as well as learn more about your conversions from those calls. Perhaps we need to larn more about your customers to improve the performance of your Pay-per-click campaigns? There are lots of options out there and we will help to integrate them into your website and make sense of them for you.

Good data and it’s availabiliy is a huge advantage you can have over your competitors. ach month, it can give us insight and ideas of how we can do better.

More on Local SEO

This can be done first of all by making sure that you have the right content on your website. Then, you want to make the most of Google’s map listings to ensure you come up in those type of search engine results. One great tool for managing your local search engine results of Google My Businss… It’s easy to set up, takes little maintenance and once set up correctly, with a little instruction, you can do it yourself.

Additional info

The first stage is to find out what your online marketing exercise are at present, and what they do for you.

From that base-line, we can decide what is achieveable withe the budget we have. Those goals help us to decide what channels we will engage with and what the individual little steps along the way will be.

At the end of the planning stage, we’ll have a clear plan and we’ll know who we’ll want to be involved in the delivery of your digital marketing exercises. And crucialy, those tasks will be executed by specialists, based on solid research and tracked in order to quantify the success or otherwise of the process. With good reporting and tracking, this process is continually refined to give you more return for your invstment of time and money.

Want to know more

The benefit of using email marketing functionality built in to your CRM is the access to your customer dataase and sales funnel processes. But there are ways to get the best of both worlds. Email templates can be exported from one to the other as can the database, or a section of the database you wish to send to.

It needs to be relevant to the recipient and it needs to be visually interesting enough to grab their attention very quickly. So the template design for your campaigns needs to look great and shouldn’t be held back by the limitations of your CRM’s template builder. If you can’t get a decent looking template out of say, Zoho, then build it in Mail Chimp and import it.

One of the big benefits of email marketing is the knowledge you already have about the recipient.

Lets suppose you’re sending out a campaign to existing customers, and you sell craft beer…

You should know the customer’s name, what part of the country they live in and what beer they like. That’s a lot of information to be starting with. It means it can be personalised and you an not only remind they that you sell somethng they love, beer, but also introduce them to other beers they might not have thought of buying. Cross-sell the bitter drinker some porters or amber ales in the winter months. Push the light, golden, hopppy stuff when summer approaches. Or you might target customers by region, with news of beers local to them.

You get my point. I like beer!

But the thing that really helps make email marketing succeed is the reporting. You can see real-time data showing the delivery, opening, deletion, click-throughs etc of your camaign as soon as it’s been sent out. This data helps you refine the process each time you send an email campaign and improve your conversion rates.

The next logical step, once you have your campaigns designed, database in place and have run some tst campaigns, is to add some automation. Send campaigns automatically, triggered by the recipient’s interaction with your website or other campaigns. For instance, if someone fills out a contact form on your website, that action should add them to a mailing list and send them an innitial email campaign. if they click on one of the products within it, that might triger another email campaign in a weeks time, introducing another product.

And the beauty is, it’s low cost and very trackable.

Keep Reading

If your Pay-per-click campaigns return a net profit for you, you might assume they’re being well run. But how do you know? Are they wasteful? Could they be generating a lot more enquiries than they do at present? Maybe you want fewer enquiries, but much higher-value ones.

This is where Pay-per-click management come is. I, Martin, manage the Pay-per-click technicians and account managers. I understand well enough what it is they do, to scrutinise their work and see where it might be improved. I can’t b fobbed off and I can explain what they are doing to you. In the same way, I will convey what it is you need from them in terms of results. What they consider a ‘conversion’ is often not what they consider a conversion.

Crucially for the Pay-per-click account managers, I make sure they have the in-page content, the insight into your business and the competitor and keyword research they need in order to do a better job.

So, if you’re not sure what you’re paying for, need a second opinion or an introduction to a new supplier, I can take the pain away.