CASE STUDY – Avensure
THE BRIEF: Avensure were a fairly new business, in their first couple years trading. They wanted a corporate brand and marketing materials that would help them top compete with their much larger rivals.
Stationery design – I took their existing logo and where it had always been on a white background, I simply reversed it out and gave it a nice rich background to sit on. We finished the cards off with a matt laminate to make them more tactile and make them last longer.
Brochure design & print management – Expanding on the stationery design, we sourced more expensive, high quality stock shots. We use diagrams where we can and break up the copy with icons and solid blocks of colour. The brochure had a fold-out cover and was finished with a soft-touch coating which has beautiful, peach-like texture.
Advertising – More recently we’ve moved the branding on, using illustration to get complex ideas across simply. Now the illustration style is set, we can draw up whatever we need in order to convey our message.
Email campaigns – If you need to get a message out there quickly, email campaigns are far more cost effective than print. And once set up, Avensure can send to different sections of the database as needed, the same day.
THE RESULTS: A coherent and consistent brand. Marketing material which tells prospective customers that they take what they do seriously.